Monday, February 15, 2010

Fuck a 5:30am February Bootcamp!

It's not the Bootcamp part I am mad at, or even the 5:30am wake up call. It's the February, let's-have-a-snow-storm-every-week part that is pissing me off! Seriously, I have driven through TWO snow storms risking my life and almost as important my husband's 4-wheel drive work truck (which equals our livelihood at this point) to go exercise at 5:30 in the freaking morning!

Several times I told myself I'm crazy. Who in their right mind gets up at 3:30am and drives to Mount Washington in a snowstorm to go workout? Me, and about 15 other dedicated people! Intellectually it seems to make no sense. How stupid to venture out into the dark, alone, on snow/ice filled roads to exercise. Crazy.

But you know what? The more I told myself I am crazy, the more I realized I didn't FEEL crazy. I feel good. I feel energized and happy and proud of myself for not letting even a snowstorm or two hold me back. And I am doing freaking awesome, I've lost 16lbs so far and can tell a major difference in my clothes already. It just makes me feel so good.

Plus, I'm sick. A sore throat from hell didn't even stop me from not missing a class. I'm stressed to the max over sick babies with never-ending ear infections and colds. Carly and Bryce are both having surgery Friday on their ears and I'm scared and worn out from the whole routine of doctor's offices, pharmacies, and insurance referrals. Its overwhelming and draining to spend my days just waiting for my babies to get better.

But Bootcamp, for me, has always provided an escape from everything else. 1 hour of no fear, 1 hour of not caring or paying attention to anyone else, 1 hour out of 24 in a day to work on ME. That's not too much to ask, and if I have to get up at 3:30am and start drinking coffee to feed babies and get them settled back in before I leave, clean snow and ice off my car, dredge out into less than ideal weather conditions to make that happen, then that's what I will do.

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