Cancer sucks. We got it.
Has it really been so long since I last posted!? People are panting for an update, I'm sure.
Let me tell you, there is SO MUCH positive change and awesome vibes flowing through our family right now I can barely contain the excitement!
Here's a few quick updates....
A simple idea spawned from the minds of some of the most badass chicks I know has turned into an exciting new adventure! From the requests for a CrossFit-meets-Charlie's-Angels themed shirt to an entire line of workout clothing and apparel, I introduce to you, "Crush It"!
In other news on the homefront, Alyssa and Carly are potty trained!!! This statement can't have enough exclamation marks. Parents of toddlers know the daunting task of getting your little person to shit and piss on the pot can be daunting. From three kids in diapers down to one... almost seemed too good to be true. But it wasn't. We were so close to being RICH.
Little Miss Independent woke up the day before Thanksgiving and simply stated, "I don't wanna wear diapers anymore." Alrighty then!
Sans a few accidents here and there and an occasional bedwetting incident, Alyssa was declared.
Carly, in traditional Carly fashion, took a while longer. She has always done things at her own pace. Rolling over, crawling, walking.... Carly takes her sweet time. She COULD do all of those things before she actually did, I know it, she just opted to do things on her own time.
And in the spirit of the day, here's some pics of my girls and our family celebrating Valentine's Day.
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