'Guess who’s back in the motherfucking house….!'
A little Snoop Dogg to start the day never hurt anybody.
I'm happy today.
It’s the start of Phase 9 Boot Camp and I made a mini- comeback. It’s a new house we rocked this morning, breaking in the new Maximum Fitness location with our sweat and swagger. We are some Bad Ass bitches.
I never thought I would be a part of something like this. I wish people understood how hard these women work out. There's no feeling in the world that compares to the adrenaline and energy of 30+ women working together for a common goal. I'm sure there are varying reasons and desires behind each person's motivation to get up at 4 something in the morning to work out for 45 minutes before the start of a long day, but we do it and do it well.
It feels good to be back. I considered staying in bed when the alarm went off. I've been off for 3 months now nursing the bulged disk back to health. It was a rough time for me, and not just because the pain. The psychological effect of being away from my most favorite addiction took its toll. I've gained over 10lbs, but that will be gone in a week. No sweat. haha
I started last month attending a few sessions and was pleased to walk away sore, but not in pain. My back is finally better. I can do normal daily activities without being in pain, like tie my shoes, bend over to change diapers, pick up my kids again without wincing.
What a miserable existence to be in pain all day every day. I come away from this experience grateful for the body I have and vowing to take better care of it.
That started today. I am still sick, sinus bullshit that never clears completely. Pink eye that has been lingering for over a month! I was tired and worn out when I walked through the new glass doors this morning, but happy and surprised to walk out of them feeling accomplished and blessed to be there to fight another day.
Sure I still modify some of the exercises that require too much back usage. Sure people look at me crazy when I am doing a totally different exercise than everybody else at some stations, but so what. I am there.
I was back to using my anger as motivation to fight harder, keep going, don't give up.
It was back to 'Fuck cancer. Fuck my back injury.'
Lots of ‘f-bombs’ today people, so sorry if you’re all holy moly, but I find cussing effective at times. And whoever said people use cuss words because they don’t know a better ones don’t know me cause my vocab is expenentular. (ahahaha I just made that one up!)
Anyways, I’m in a happy silly mood today, so get over yourselves and join in. It’s also very effective for me to channel my anger in exercise. Last year when I began this Boot Camp journey I was cursing my uncle’s brain tumor and my son’s bone infection in his spine. Today I was damning my aunt’s breast cancer and beating my own back injury into a metaphorical submission.
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
See you Wednesday!
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