That's from my February weigh in to July- six months of hard work and another 30lbs gone forever.
But here's there 'Before and After' pics I am most proud of. I usually don't post unflattering pictures of myself online. I didn't post many pictures of myself after the girls were born because I was so unhappy with my body.
Who cares if I had just given birth twice in two years, I was FAT!!!
But this picture was taken the 1st week of Boot camp last summer July 2009. I remember it was a Wednesday night after my 1st two sessions and I had already lost 5lbs. I was feeling more confidant than I had in a long time. I was actually feeling good about myself when Kenny took this picture- until I saw myself on the little screen and was repulsed again. But I knew I was at the beginning of my journey and I had no idea a year later I would still be on it, but I felt it in the air.
Change. Hope. Something was different this time.
So here I am, 3 months after the birth of my twins, 18 months after the birth of my son, 70lbs heavier than I am right now.... Leah July 2009
Look at those thighs!!! My ARMS! My FACE!!! It is bigger than Baby Carly in my arms!
Here is Leah's thighs, arms, and face from July 2010....
I still have work to do, but after I lose these last 8lbs, all the weight gained during both my pregnancies will be GONE. What a milestone to reach. I want it bad. I feel like I say this every month, but August is my month, back injury or not.
I don't feel repulsed when I look back at pictures of me from last summer, I feel proud.
Soon I will weigh what I did the day I got married. And I'm not stopping there. My ultimate goal is to be in my best health ever when I turn 30 in April, so I have 9 months to make that happen. A lot can be done in 9 months.... I am still excited and hopeful and hungry for change.
And here's one for the road, just because I felt good about myself this day. More like the 'old' me, but as the 'new' me. Sexy and strong and comfortable in my clothes and skin again.
Thank you forever, Maximum Fitness.
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