I lost weight....on vacation.
That deserves some bold and italic font for emphasis.
A whole pound difference from my weigh in Friday morning and today, in the right direction. Usually over the course of a regular 'ol weekend I can put on a pound or five from just going out and having fun for a night. So going out of town and not losing control is a big one for me.
Its not easy being the odd man out, the one who has to make decisions and strategize ways to resist temptation before they occur. I know what going out of town usually means, especially with my family. What can I say we like to eat! Its part of the planning, part of the fun.
So an hour into the road trip we are making the first pit stop... at McDonald's. I wanted a cheese burger and iced coffee so bad, but I just kept downing water to prepare my body for the day ahead.
I won the first battle. There was no way I was going to eat McDonald's in the first place, so I knew the real test was yet to come. At the hotel I fueled myself with low sodium turkey, cheese and almonds while feeding the kids snacks from teh stash I brought from home. I had a refriderator and microwave and all the 'wierd food' from my fridge that neede dto get used up. Set up for success.
I passed on a 5-star dinner buffet and ate grilled chicken. No breakfast buffet int he mornign either. I contained my desire for mini-quish and cake at my cousin's wedding shower. At the hotel, I avoided the room where my family brought their own goodies from home, triple layer carrot cake and homemade dumplins. It was like Thankdgiving up in that bitch. I would have loved some carrot cake.
Panic set in during the debate for dinner when it became obviosu ever other member of out party was going to the buffet again and i was pushed into a corner. So I ate some snacks in the room to take the edge off, shut off my sensory smell and sat between my babies and fed them fruit, baked beans, peas, and pudding while everyone around me pigged out. I didn't want to pay $19.99 for a salad, when I knew if I took a plate up to that temptation, I would come back with more than I was willing to risk.
I was fine and the feeling of accomplishment felt better than the food coma I would have been in for the rest fo the night for gorging out on 20 different things. It paid off.
I lost weight on vacation. After that, I know anything is possible!

Feeding the girls at the buffet I did not eat!
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