Monday, March 22, 2010

I feels really good to go shopping for clothes and when you try them on, they actually fit. And you don't immediately want to cry when you look in the mirror. I am down two sizes in the past six months. I will have to buy a whole new wardrobe for summer, but I might as well wait a little longer because at this rate I will be down another size soon!

I have never felt better in my life. Not physically or emotionally. I was worried about what life would be like after I had the twins. I had been off anti-depressants during the pregnancy and didn't want to start back after I had the babies because I was breastfeeding.

Yes, I fed them both at the same time, God gave us multiple boobs for more than symmetry! It was an awesome experience this time around, unlike the previous attempt with my son. No one tells you its not easy, they let you believe in the facade that breastfeeding a baby is the most natural thing in the world and its not. Not only does it HURT, but it requires hard work and commitment a lot of new mothers don't have the energy or desire for.

I knew it would be stressful having three babies under 2 years old. It's harder than you can even imagine, and most people imagine it pretty bad. Plus I am prone to depression, I'm afraid it runs in my blood and I just pray I didn't pass those genes on to them. How was I going to survive???

When people say to me, 'I just don't know how you do it.' I always respond, 'I just do it.' Give me a freaking Nike endorsement.

When the babies were three months old and I started going to Bootcamp, I couldn't do even half the exercises. Literally. I couldn't do Jumping Jacks because anything requiring me to jump made my aching boobs hurt even worse. I already had to worry about them leaking all over my shirt, how embarrassing is that? I couldn't run or even do a crunch. But I kept moving, I pushing myself closer towards the image of myself I had in my head, not the hot mess I saw in the mirror.

I had no idea half a year later I would still be here. I am not afraid of the mirror anymore, or the scale. My boobs don't hurt anymore and the only think soaking my shirt is sweat. I can hang with the crowd and people draw inspiration from me. Me!

One of the awesome trainers at MaxFit gave me a card at the end of Phase 1 Bootcamp congratulating me on my hard work. I was honored she noticed and took the time out to do that because I often modeled myself after her, copying her form, keeping her pace.

The card hangs on my refrigerator and everyday when I open that door and I am faced with a choice that is going to bring me closer or further away from my goals, I am reminded, "You are an example of what it takes to succeed.' And the choice gets easier and easier everyday.

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