The past two Halloween's I've been pregnant. That's an interesting record to hold and one I do not ever plan on repeating. On Halloween 2008, my husband made me get up off bedrest and parade around the property taking artsy preggo pics. I am thankful for them now, but cried at the horror of my swollen body of film. I chalk it up to horomones now, because they are beautiful pictures and I love them.

It was a day of celebration really, a day of disbelief. Making it still pregnant to Halloween meant my baby was going to be born in November, closer to his originally planned due date than I ever really though he was going to make it. When my troubel began the first week in August, I rememeber the numbing reality of neonatal doctors telling me all the horrible things that could happen if he were born at 26 weeks. I remember praying, pleading for him to make it just to September. Please be born in September.
Then September came and went, and when the calendar rolled over into October I felt more confidant and just knew he was going to be born in October. It was going to be perfect, he would be born towards the end of the month near Angie Day and I would no longer have a reason to get depressed and hate the month of October.
All of a sudden, it was Halloween and I was so proud of him for holding out and making it that long.

Last year I spent another Halloween pregnant, freaking out at a crowded Trunk or Treat and leaving early, not having the stamina to stand around in line for hours. I was sad and felt like I was depriving my son, who couldn't even eat candy at the time. He didn't miss a thing, and more than made up for it this year!
I also went to a friend's costume party in one of those thrown together sluty outfits you can obnly get away with in public on Halloween and Mardi Gras mask. I've never worn a mask before and it was fun! I felt incognito all nigth long. When I arrived at the party I didn't even agknowledge my friends and no one knew it was me immediatly. I think there was even a guy trying to hit on me while in line for my water and I was so tempted to say, "I don't look three months pregnant with twins do I?" just to see how fast I could scare him away!

What I will remember most about last year brings a tear to my eye and smile to my face. We took Bryce over to my Uncle Garry's on our way home. He was waiting in the living room for his boys. Bryce love those cows out at our property as much as he did and what a kick he got out of him dressed up as one. They mooed together and we took pictures and it makes me sad he wasn't here this year to see all the kids and most importantly, the three Cox Witches!