Whether you're a master at manifesting or never played around with the Law of Attraction, Pam Grout's book "E-Squared" offers a fun place to start experimenting with drawing your dreams closer and altering the state of your current reality. Before I share the exciting manifestations and gifts I created for myself in the first week of reading this book, I'd like to share a story about dreams....
Decades long reoccurring nightmares to be exact and how one tiny shift changed it all. Amazing results!
I've had this same dream, a reoccurring nightmare for a majority of my adult life. Better part of 20 years at least.
The reoccurring theme is I’m standing on a beach, its usually sunset or getting dark out. The waters and sky are deep dark navy, blues, and purples. A huge tsunami wave is coming towards me. I always see the wave coming and there’s no stopping it.
In the early years of the dream, the wave hits and I’m drowning. Lost underwater, rolling, tumbling. Can’t breathe. Sometimes it’s so dark I cannot see anything. I’m tossed around the sea over and over.
Often multiple waves hit. Over and over and over again. They just keep coming. I don’t know which way is up or down. I CAN’T BREATHE. I am going to die.
Eventually over the years I come to expect what’s going to happen in these dreams. I see the wave coming and I anticipate it and what’s going to happen. I brace myself for the blow. Eventually I learn to take a big huge breath of air right before the wave hits so I can withstand the tossing and turning under water.
Over the years I learn to hold my breath longer and longer. I don’t feel like I’m going to die anymore, but it’s still scary. Will it ever end? Will I ever make it back out of the water?

But I know what to do. I am not going to die; I just have to withstand the hits. Sometimes I can even breathe or swim underwater for long durations of times, like a video game. Its dark, but I can see things and explore my surrounding a little before waking. My chest is no longer on fire with fear withholding my breath.
This dream comes to me for many years. It gets routine, barely scary anymore. It’s just like a test, something I just must endure as I sleep. I will survive. I will wake up eventually and be OK, I just gotta hold my breath and wait for the hits to stop coming.
The other night something happened after reading E2 before bed. It was a typical beach dream, except this time I wasn’t alone. My family was there, my Dad, kids. We were playing in the bright daytime sunlight. It’s SO HOT and the kids are starting to get sunburned pink and its time to head in to wait out the heat of the day. I go in the water alone to cool off or get sand off my body. The rest of my family is on the shore. Then I see the wave coming. I am not scared, I know what to do.
Except this time, I turn my back to the wave (something I learned in Hawaii you are NEVER ‘supposed’ to do, turn you back on the ocean). I turn my back to the oncoming wave and wait. I brace myself for the second before the wave hits, preparing to draw in my biggest breath….
But the wave never hits.
I turn back and see the waves are breaking far off shore now, way out past the sandbar. Wow, the wave is not coming. That’s a first. I am relieved. I relax and begin floating in the water…. And that’s when the rip tide catches me and starts pulling me out to sea.
I can’t stop it, the force is so strong. Before long I cannot reach or feel my feet on the sandy ocean floor. The ocean is pulling me out to sea so fast. The shore is further and further away. The people are getting smaller. I have to get back to that beach! MY KIDS ARE ON THAT BEACH! I am panicking, I can’t really swim…
Then I remember. I can FLOAT. I’ve always been great at floating! lol Other people sink like a rock, not me... I FLOAT! So I flip over onto my back and immediately stop resisting the current. I float effortlessly and am no longer in danger of being pulled away from the people I love or flailing myself to exhaustion and a sure drowning death.
It's so easy to float out there, I almost start laughing! All along I was fighting so hard and resisting when all I had to do was flip over and float! It’s comical. I begin kicking my legs and start zooming to shore, super-fast almost like a cartoon character with a motor propeller as legs. No worries at all.
I reach the shore in no time.