So it’s been 28 days since the end of my 28 Day Challenge. I wish it were still going on, I do so much better when forced discipline is involved. I lost 12 pounds, but what I gained was way more important. I continue to learn and grow from the experience. The main lesson is what a difference following a REAL diet does for your body.
I’m not talking some fad ‘diet’ filled with low fat, low carb, low cal, grapefruit, cabbage soup, Atkins, or Weight Watcher Points system that allows you to eat as much of the things you like in order to maintain or lose a few pounds here and there. I’m talking a ‘diet’ in the real sense of the word filled with fresh foods not man made or found in packages. Not counting calories, fat grams, or protein, just eating what your body actually needs to be nourished.
I’ve never seen these kinds of results. I have done every one of the afore mentioned ‘diets’ before and had ‘success’ on many of them… for a while. Then I would always revert back to my old eating habits and patterns and would gain back everything I lost plus more. A never ending cycle I am destroying so the pattern is not passed down another generation.
This is important to me. The crux of why I am doing what I am doing and succeeding this time. That is not to say I still don’t struggle, every single day, but I have a main mission and I am dedicated to making my vision a reality. I want my kids to have a chance at not being overweight.
People think I am crazy. Most my family and friends are annoyed by my new habits and all the change. I am confused by this. Why wouldn’t people want me to be happy, healthier? Then I realized it’s not about me, but them. They are still stuck in their addictions and me addressing mine forces then to think about (or not think about) theirs and that makes them resentful. It’s hurtful sometimes.
What annoys me most is when I try to spread the good word and tell people about how they can make changes in their life to accomplish what they say they want and I am met with nothing but opposition and negativity. Tons of ‘I could never do that’ or ‘I’m not giving up my salt or coffee or Cokes.’ Really? Those things are more important to you than your happiness, than your life? Cause I am fighting for my life here and I just want some more soldiers in my ranks.
I feel SO GOOD about what I am doing I want to share it with everybody. Don’t they see I was once just like them and I overcame the same exact obstacles they face? So if I can do it, so can they! People say ‘I am just not as strong as you’ and I just don’t believe it. They are, they just don’t want to step up and do what is required for real change.
All the excuses! An excuse is an excuse is an excuse. I worked for a company when I was a teenager that was very influential in my life and taught me there is a difference between a ‘reason’ and an ‘excuse’ so I strive in my life to not make excuses. If there is a legit reason why I can’t do something, well then I will just keep working on a solution until I get what I want. I’m not a quitter, I don’t give up. I might get delayed or derailed, but I always get what I want because I accept no less. And if I can’t make something happen, well then I must not have really wanted it in the first place.
I am tired hearing people complain about how they are sick of being fat or their diet is not working for them or they are exercising all the time with no results or are in pain all day everyday. Them when I try to offer them a solution, its nothing but negativity right off the bat. It’s like people aren’t even open change, so stop complaining about it. If you really want to succeed, you must be willing to sacrifice. If you are not at that point yet, if your pain threshold has not been reached, then you can just continue about your daily misery, but I don’t want to hear about it.
I want to help you.
I want others to see the realm of what is possible, not be put off by my suggestion that their lives can be better, like I am speaking from a soap box. Don’t you see we are in the same battle? Can’t you save yourself some of the pain I went though and just skip over that part and start making things better now instead of suffering even more when the answer is just right in front of you for the taking?
I guess not. I know people have to fight their own battles, but I wish I could just take all of you on my back and trudge through the desert of despair to the river of hope and toss your ass in.
I do Boot Camp, I am strong enough. And you could be too.
Secrets of a SuperMom: The 'PERSUIT' is over... I'm claiming abundance! Join me on the journey to living in HEALTH and HAPPINESS everyday.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Sometimes on Saturday afternoons I prowl the house while my family naps and I’m tired too, but there’s too much to do and I drank too much coffee, so I stare at each of you and thank God for the simple blessings of sweet, sleeping children and hushed husbands who aren’t complaining about the dishes or kicking toys to make a path to walk.
I whisper softly how much I love them, knowing they will probably never know. I watch Grey’s Anatomy on the DVR and cry over fictitional storylines when my storyline rivals TV’s best in the best of way possible.
When all my days are as spent as my energy level, I try to never forget nothing else matters more than the in and out of your breath and smiles on your face. We see a lot of smiles around here and do a lot of kissing and I hope that never changes, even though years of adolescent torture on my part that are bound to come.
I pray what we’ve found in our little piece of reality heaven stays like this forever.
I whisper softly how much I love them, knowing they will probably never know. I watch Grey’s Anatomy on the DVR and cry over fictitional storylines when my storyline rivals TV’s best in the best of way possible.
When all my days are as spent as my energy level, I try to never forget nothing else matters more than the in and out of your breath and smiles on your face. We see a lot of smiles around here and do a lot of kissing and I hope that never changes, even though years of adolescent torture on my part that are bound to come.
I pray what we’ve found in our little piece of reality heaven stays like this forever.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Super Couple:
Kenny and Leah (by the numbers)
Looks can be deceiving. People see our pictures circa 2010, happy family 5 deep filled with smiling babies, loving parents and some may think, “Wow they have it all!’
What people fail to realize is having it all comes with a price. Before there was a Super MOM or Super Ken, we called ourselves a Super Couple. We are one of those rare couples who survive and are greatful for it. Years of tears and sacrifice are behind those smiles. We fought hard for what we have now and never gave up.
That’s how you gain Super Couple status. I heard a very old married couple say the secret to their successful marriage was they never fell out of love with each other at the same time. The key to a happy marriage is even when it hurts, even if you don’t always like each other, even if you have ever questioned if love is enough… never give up.
Here’s a run down of Kenny & Leah by the numbers:
Years together: 11
Years married: 4
Met: January 6th 2000
Couple since: February 2000
Age Leah was: 18
Age Kenny was: 27
Age difference: 9 (physically, 0 mentally haha)
First Date: Spring 2000 U of L Jazz Ensemble
Moved in together: Summer 2001
Engaged: December 2001
Married: December 30th, 2006
Number of wedding dates set before it actually happened: 5
Number of wedding dresses purchased: 2
Number of nephews born on our wedding day: 1
Number of couples therapists/marriage counselors visited over the years: 3
Number of break-ups: 1
Duration: 3-6 months
Longest time lapsed without contact: 1 long, lonely, painfully miserable month
Number of times Kenny proposed: 1
Number of times Leah proposed: 1
Number of Leah’s Engagement rings: 2 in 11 years (upgraded as of this Christmas!)
Number of Kenny’s wedding rings: 2 in less than 2 years (claims he lost it fishing… things that make you go hhmmmm)
Number of Children: 3
Number of pregnancies: 2 (in less than two years…twins!)
Number of car accidents together: 3
Number of crazy ex-girlfriends Leah punched in the club: 1
Number of cities visited on vacation: 20 (Windsor, Canada. Maumee Bay, OH. Philadelphia, PA. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. St. Augustine, FL. Miami, FL. Key West, FL. Tell City, IN. Birmingham, AL. Gulf Shores, AL. Chicago, IL. Some locations multiple times: Gatlingurg, TN. Indianapolis, IN. Columbus, GA. Memphis, TN. Honolulu, HI. Some never again: Bilouxi, MS. Playa del Carmen, Mexico. All but 2 before children: Nashville, TN. Cincinatti, OH LOL)
I promise to scan proof of all this and post old pictures of us someday. Until then, here’s happy Kenny & Leah celebrating Christmas and her first wedding ring upgrade. (He always did know how to decorate a gal, the emerald & diamond necklace I am wearing was a Christmas gift from 2006 the year we got married and gave me a beautiful charm bracelet for our Anniversary this year. Bonus points!)
Kenny and Leah (by the numbers)
Looks can be deceiving. People see our pictures circa 2010, happy family 5 deep filled with smiling babies, loving parents and some may think, “Wow they have it all!’
What people fail to realize is having it all comes with a price. Before there was a Super MOM or Super Ken, we called ourselves a Super Couple. We are one of those rare couples who survive and are greatful for it. Years of tears and sacrifice are behind those smiles. We fought hard for what we have now and never gave up.
That’s how you gain Super Couple status. I heard a very old married couple say the secret to their successful marriage was they never fell out of love with each other at the same time. The key to a happy marriage is even when it hurts, even if you don’t always like each other, even if you have ever questioned if love is enough… never give up.
Here’s a run down of Kenny & Leah by the numbers:
Years together: 11
Years married: 4
Met: January 6th 2000
Couple since: February 2000
Age Leah was: 18
Age Kenny was: 27
Age difference: 9 (physically, 0 mentally haha)
First Date: Spring 2000 U of L Jazz Ensemble
Moved in together: Summer 2001
Engaged: December 2001
Married: December 30th, 2006
Number of wedding dates set before it actually happened: 5
Number of wedding dresses purchased: 2
Number of nephews born on our wedding day: 1
Number of couples therapists/marriage counselors visited over the years: 3
Number of break-ups: 1
Duration: 3-6 months
Longest time lapsed without contact: 1 long, lonely, painfully miserable month
Number of times Kenny proposed: 1
Number of times Leah proposed: 1
Number of Leah’s Engagement rings: 2 in 11 years (upgraded as of this Christmas!)
Number of Kenny’s wedding rings: 2 in less than 2 years (claims he lost it fishing… things that make you go hhmmmm)
Number of Children: 3
Number of pregnancies: 2 (in less than two years…twins!)
Number of car accidents together: 3
Number of crazy ex-girlfriends Leah punched in the club: 1
Number of cities visited on vacation: 20 (Windsor, Canada. Maumee Bay, OH. Philadelphia, PA. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. St. Augustine, FL. Miami, FL. Key West, FL. Tell City, IN. Birmingham, AL. Gulf Shores, AL. Chicago, IL. Some locations multiple times: Gatlingurg, TN. Indianapolis, IN. Columbus, GA. Memphis, TN. Honolulu, HI. Some never again: Bilouxi, MS. Playa del Carmen, Mexico. All but 2 before children: Nashville, TN. Cincinatti, OH LOL)
I promise to scan proof of all this and post old pictures of us someday. Until then, here’s happy Kenny & Leah celebrating Christmas and her first wedding ring upgrade. (He always did know how to decorate a gal, the emerald & diamond necklace I am wearing was a Christmas gift from 2006 the year we got married and gave me a beautiful charm bracelet for our Anniversary this year. Bonus points!)
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